Latest Lexus NX pictures: behind the scenes brochure shoot

These latest photographs of the Lexus NX were taken during a photoshoot in Barcelona for the brochure of the new car.

The Lexus NX 300h goes on sale in October 2014, while the NX 200t, with a brand new 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine, goes on sale early 2015.

Visit the Lexus website to register your interest in the new car.

Meanwhile you can see some of the new features and technology to be found in the new NX in our video.

To see what exactly will be available on UK specification cars visit: Lexus NX price and specification revealed

See also:
First details of new NX 200t turbo engine
Engineering the NX: Chief engineer Takeaki Kato talks
In conversation with Lexus Europe vice president Alain Uyttenhoven
Top Gear director talks to Lexus about NX TV ad

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