Self-driving Lexus demonstrated in Las Vegas

Lexus and Toyota Motor Corporation have revealed first details of an advanced safety research vehicle ahead of this year’s 2013 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

The prototype is based on the new  Lexus LS and is capable of driving itself to help avoid and minimise the effect of a collision.

Fitted with a suite of advanced technology, including on-board radars and video cameras, the car is capable of monitoring the road, its surroundings and the driver. The car also keeps track of other vehicles, and has also been shown in action below.

Lexus Group Vice President and General Manager Mark Templin presented the car earlier today. Here’s an overview of the technology used:

  • A 360-degree laser scanner, mounted on the roof, detects objects around the car up to about 70 meters.
  • Three high definition color cameras detect objects about 150 meters away, including traffic light detection using the front camera and approaching vehicles using the side cameras.
  • Radars on the front and sides of the vehicle measure the location and speed of objects to create a comprehensive field of vision at junctions.
  • A distance measurement indicator located on a rear wheel measures travel distance and speed of the vehicle.
  • An unit on the roof senses and measures acceleration and angle changes to determine vehicle behaviour.
  • GPS antennas on the roof estimate angle and orientation even before the vehicle is in motion.

Principally, the project is designed to explore  autonomous technologies and high-level driver assistance systems related to Toyota Motor Company’s Integrated Safety Management Concept.

Templin will also discuss the development of TMC’s Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) research and development, which includes vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications technology.

The active safety research vehicle, ITS system and 2013 LS will be shown at the Lexus display at the Las Vegas Convention Center from January 8th-11th.

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