The fifth anniversary LFA photoshoot unlocked by your retweets

It’s the photoshoot unlocked by your retweets! We called upon you to retweet a teaser image of this very special fifth anniversary Lexus LFA light painting photoshoot and said we’d only show you it when we reached 100 RTs.

Lexus light painting

Well, we’re delighted to announce that you’ve helped us to hit the target and so without further ado – this is LFA light painting. Enjoy.

Light painting a legend

You’d be forgiven for thinking that five years after its arrival and two years since production ceased, everything has been done with the LFA and there’s nothing more to add. But as these beautiful photos show, you’d be wrong.

Light painting involves moving a hand-held light source through a long exposure photograph to illuminate a subject or create a background of light. It is the first time in the world that such a treatment has been applied to the LFA.


We’ll be showing you exactly how we produced the shoot right here on the Lexus blog next week using a series of before and after shots and insight from the photographer and content team here at Lexus UK. Oh, and we’ve got two more shoots up our sleeve. Did somebody say “Tron car”?

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