Lexus RC pictures: all-new photos of stunning Lexus coupe

Guests to Grand Designs Live 2015 at the NEC in Birmingham have the first chance to see the new Lexus RC in the UK.

The RC takes pride of place on the Lexus stand at Grand Designs Live – an ideal venue to show off the striking two-door coupe.

In RC, Lexus designers have created a distinctive, deeply contoured body with a powerful stance. The car’s spindle grille, the styling feature that has become the face of Lexus design, is the lowest and widest in the Lexus range.

Triangular headlamps evoke the sporty characteristics of the LF-LC design while concept vehicle inspiration is evident in the unique three-lamp LED design. At low beam, the lamps adopt an L-shaped pattern as an expression of the Lexus identity.

Lexus RC lights

The car at Grand Designs Live has F Sport White paintwork, which, along with Solar Flare and Azure Blue, is exclusive to F Sport grade.

Design is just as carefully thought through inside the RC. Crafted details include a Lexus-first lighting package, which has illumination that reflects up rather than downwards.

Lexus RC door

Genuine shimamoku wood highlights are used to emphasise the surrounding trim. Shimamoku is a wood polishing process to create a unique polished steel finish inspired by Yamaha’s top grade concert piano, which uses the surface treatment to prevent reflections from stage lights which might distract the performer.

Lexus RC

You can see from these exclusive Lexus RC pictures, it is the RC 300h that is on display at Grand Designs Live, but buyers can also opt for the tubrocharged petrol RC200t. Three grades are available – Luxury, F Sport and Premier.

The Lexus RC is on sale now, with customer delivers expected from January 2016. Click through the full gallery of RC pictures below.

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