Lexus Roadside Assistance: a guide

Lexus Roadside Assistance

Lexus has a global reputation for reliability which has been reinforced for a sixth successive year in the What Car?  Reliability Survey. Our vehicles are renowned for their quality and reliability, however in the unlikely event that something goes wrong, you can be assured support is available with Lexus Roadside Assistance. 

What is Roadside Assistance? 

Roadside Assistance is a service that supports you if you ever experience a fault with your vehicle. These unforeseen events could be a result of failure of a mechanical part, lost keys, or even a punctured tyre.

This service allows you to call for help when you need it, providing you with complete reassurance to get you back on the road quickly and safely. 

Lexus Roadside Assistance

What is Lexus Roadside Assistance?

Lexus Roadside Assistance, provided by the AA, is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. On top of this, it includes European Breakdown Cover meaning you will be covered anywhere in the UK and across 44 countries in Europe.  

A further benefit to Lexus Roadside Assistance is it covers you, your car and extends to other members of your household, so you and your family will have peace of mind wherever your journey takes you. 

What does Lexus Roadside Assistance include? 

Home start If you breakdown at home, you will benefit from Lexus Roadside Assistance from your home address. 
European breakdown assistance LRA travels with you in 44 countries across Europe whether you are driving a Lexus or another vehicle. 
Cover for non-technical problems like lost or stolen keys If keys are lost or stolen, recovery of your vehicle to a local Lexus centre will be arranged, however you will be responsible for the cost of replacement keys. 
Replacement vehicle This will be provided free (excluding fuel & other consumables) for up to 3 days if we have taken your vehicle to a Lexus Centre for repair. 
Onward travel or hotel accommodation  If a replacement vehicle is not available, we can reimburse £150 per person for onward travel or arrange overnight stay in a hotel for the same price, up to a maximum of £500. 
Cover for other members of your household All members of your household are covered in the event they are driving the Lexus or another vehicle. 

Are electric vehicles covered?

Lexus Roadside Assistance fully supports electric vehicles just like it does for other forms of hybrid and fuel engines. The AA have rolled out an EV Support package which is available to Lexus customers if they need it. This will support drivers with charging electric vehicles and handling calls about electric cars and electric charging infrastructure, meaning you are supported on every journey. 

How can I renew?

As a Lexus owner, you will receive three years roadside assistance when purchasing a new car, or one year with the purchase of a used car.  

To buy or renew you cover and for more information, click here to visit the Lexus website.


  1. I suddenly realised whilst driving today that my Lexus Roadside Assistance card expired on 31st March 2021 , so when I was able to stop I tried to ring the General Enquiries number 0800 169 0393 to try and find out why my new cards had not been sent to my home address . I was told that due to the holiday period there was no-one to help me . I have paid for the last 2 years by a Direct Debit
    instruction which covers myself and my wife and therefore did not for one moment think that my cards would be renewed om 31/3/21

        1. Hello Mavis,
          Thank you for contacting Lexus.
          Please provide your vehicle registration so we can look into this for you.

  2. If i own another car does my lexus break down cover me in that, i know it covers me as a passenger in another vehicle, but i need to know if it covers another car i own


    1. Hi Wayne,

      Thanks for getting in touch.

      As stated in the blog post, you are right about ‘Personal Assistance’. Even if you are a passenger in somebody else’s car you can still receive Lexus Roadside Assistance. However, it doesn’t apply to other vehicles you own.


  3. I bought a new Lexus UX250h on 30th July 2019. Am I still covered for Lexus Roadside Assistance and for how long does this cover last? Also, what is the phone number to ring if I need roadside assistance?

    1. Hi David,

      Thanks for getting in touch. Lexus Roadside Assistance lasts for three years from the date of registration. In the unlikely event that your vehicle breaks down, you can call the recovery team on 0800 246 866.


    1. Hello Brian,
      Thank you for contacting us.
      To add a nominated partner, you will need to call the administration team on 0800 169 0393.
      They will be able to make the amendment.

  4. Will i get a reminder when my breakdown cover is due ! Which I think is very soon , can you check

    1. Hello Wayne,
      Thank you for contacting us.
      If you could please provide us with your full name and vehicle registration, we can look into this with our team for you.

  5. I am covered for Lexus Roadside Assistance on my Lexus NX 300H Premium Sport until it is three years old on 23/03/2023. What I would like to know is if I am driving in UK or EU and I am incapacitated through ill health or accident in or out of the car, (which remains drivable) will Lexus Roadside Assistance provide a relief driver to get my car safely back home?

    1. Hello Philip,
      Thank you for getting in touch with us.
      Clause 5.19 in the Lexus Roadside Assistance Terms of Service states: “If the driver of Your car who is certified as being unfit to drive in accordance with Clause 5.15 is certified as being unfit to drive for more for more than 5
      days from the time of the Breakdown and there is no one available to drive Your Car, then we will arrange for it to be transported to Your home by the quickest route as determined by our Service Contractor.”
      You can view the full Terms and Conditions here –
      However, if you are incapacitated and there is no vehicle fault, we would recommend contacting your Health / Travel Insurance provider to see what cover is available.

      1. Thanks for responding. I now understand under the terms of Lexus Roadside Assistance,.that the vehicle has to breakdown AND the driver to be incapitated for more than five days, for the vehicle to be returned home either by transporter, or with a relief driver.

  6. Does my nominated partner receive all the benefits of the assistance programme even if I’m not a passenger in the car at the time of a breakdown?

    1. Hello Joanne,
      Thank you for contacting us.
      In order to qualify for Lexus Roadside Assistance, the vehicle must be driven or attempted to be driven by you or your partner.
      So, your nominated partner should receive all of the benefits of Lexus Roadside Assistance if they are driving the vehicle at the time of the breakdown.
      Please let us know if you have any further questions.

  7. Does the roadside assistance cover my nominated partner for driving any vehicle i.e. is she covered even if she’s not driving my Lexus?

  8. Hi i have recently purchased a 9 month old Lexus. Does the Roadside assistance cover still valid on it. Reg is MJ21UNR

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