How to: Replace the battery in your Lexus key fob

Eventually, the battery in your Lexus’ key fob will run low, and you’ll need to replace it. A Lexus Centre will be able to help, but if you’d rather do it yourself, here’s how…

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Firstly, does your car have a conventional key which turns in the ignition or a smart key for a car which starts at the push of a button? The method for replacing the battery is slightly different depending on the key type.

Let’s start with the conventional ignition key. First of all, refer to the owner’s manual to check the type of battery you need, and source a replacement. Then find a small Phillips screwdriver, a coin (a 20p piece usually works well) and a paperclip.

On the back of the key you’ll see one or two Phillips screw heads.

If you can see one screw, use the screwdriver to remove it and put it somewhere safe – it’s a small screw and easy to lose if you’re not careful. Wiggle the back to unhook it from the rest of key and lift it off. Two more smaller screws hold the inside of the key together. Unscrew them to reveal the battery inside. Remove it (a paperclip will help to prise it out), then replace it with the new battery. Put the inside of the key back together using the two small screws. Then hook the back on and use the longer screw to hold it in place.

If the key fob is held together by two screws, unscrew both before pulling the back off. With this style of key there’s no hook so the back should pull straight off once the screws have been removed. Look for the words ‘coin open’ on the inside of the key next to a small hole. Hold the interior of the key firmly in one hand, insert a coin in the hole with your other hand and twist firmly. This will reveal the battery.

Use the paperclip to pop out the battery and insert the replacement, taking care that the battery is the right way up. Now clip the inside of the key back together. Line up the buttons with the holes on the outside of the key, then replace the back of the key and insert the screws to keep it in place.

Replacing the battery in a smart key is even easier. Slide across the release button for the metal key and pull it out of the fob. This will reveal a small indentation inside the key. Take the flat part of the key, put it in the indentation, and twist. The key will open to reveal the circuit board and battery.

Pop the battery out with the paperclip and replace it with the new one (a recent Lexus will need either a CR1632 or a CR1616). It should be held in place snugly. Line the battery up with the circular marking on the inside of the fob, then clip the other half of the fob on top. Replace the metal key in the fob to finish the job.

The exact method may vary slightly from model to model but, whichever Lexus you own, replacing the key’s battery should be straightforward. But don’t forget, if you’d rather not do it yourself your local Lexus Centre will be able to help you.


  1. The steps shown on the video on how to change battery in a smart key fob and the steps described in the main text are completely different!!

    1. Hi Sankar,
      Thank you for getting in touch. The method for replacing the battery is slightly different depending on the key type, so we have shown the two methods available. Many thanks.

  2. I am surprised to find that my 2017 Lexus is telling me that the battery in the key is running low. I specifically checked with the main dealer that it was being changed as part of the service last January and I would have expected it to last more than 7 months, especially as I do not use the car that often. What is the expected life of such a battery in typical use conditions?

    1. Hi Robert,

      Thanks for getting in touch. The life of the battery will vary, dependent on the use and temperatures. These will all have an effect on the battery life. Typically however, most batteries will last for a few years, with the remote being used frequently/daily.

      Hope this helps.

      1. My 2016 RX450H F Sport got through 4 key batteries in a year, the excuse was a faulty batch of batteries. Currently using the spare key to see if it’s the car or key at fault. Tried the normal things like keep away from mobile phone etc.

    2. Mine after the intermediate service in March this year said a week after the service that the key battery was low. They only check the key battery in a major service

  3. Hi there ! I am currently own a 2015 Lexus nx300. I am not able to change my key battery . As I find at YouTube all are totally different key pattern, I did use a mechanical key to screw in a little flat inside the key holder , it look like allow to open half . As I date not open turn more space afraid will damage .

  4. Hi Folks,

    Wondering will the smart key fob still after new battery goes in, I see light flashing when button pressed but wondering if needs re coding to car?


    1. Hi Liam,

      Thank you for getting in touch. Once the battery is replaced, the key fob should work as normal. If however, you are experiencing some issues we would recommend visiting your nearest Lexus Centre as they will be able to assess this in person and offer any necessary recommendations. You will be able to find your nearest centre via this link:


      1. Thanks folks.

        Went in to get a service in a local garage and turns out the clutch release bearing is gone, and whole clutch needs replacement as a result. Is this a common fault? Car is an 08 IS 220d with 110k miles.
        Apparently small chance it needs flywheel too but can’t be sure until opened.
        Are these regular faults?
        Presume refurbed used parts aren’t an option?


        1. Hi Liam,

          Thank you for getting back in touch. Unfortunately, without us being able to assess the car in person we can’t confirm the nature of the fault or the extent of the repair needed. We would recommend contacting your nearest Lexus Centre as they are best equipped to determine this and provide any necessary recommendations, including advising on parts.


    1. Hi Marlz,

      Thanks for getting in touch with us. We’re sorry to hear this. Your nearest Lexus centre is best placed to help you further. We will email you to gain additional details and put your nearest dealer in touch with you directly.


  5. I have a Lexus ux 250 sport year 2020 it has only a lock and unlock on fob only 2 will not unwind from the outside this cannot be right can it??

    1. Hi Nigel,

      From the factory, the key fob can’t operate the windows. However, this can be easily customised by a Lexus centre.

      Please contact your nearest Lexus centre to have this feature enabled.


  6. Good day !
    What types of batteries are best suite for key fob for Lexus GX460 (year 2014) and Lexus LS460 (year 2014) ?


    1. Hi,

      We do not sell this vehicle in the UK. Please contact a Lexus distributor in your region for further assistance.


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