Car security advice and tips

Car security

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), cases of vehicle-related crimes in England and Wales have significantly declined over the past few decades. While this is comforting news for car owners and a broad recognition of the improved security measures included as standard in new vehicles, we should remember that car thieves have not stopped operating.

It is therefore important not to become casual about vehicle security and run the risk of becoming a statistic ourselves. With that in mind, the following seven points are our top recommendations for improving car security.

1. Lock your car

This advice may seem obvious but ONS crime figures show that car owners consistently forget to apply this most basic security feature. Almost half of all vehicle-related thefts are because thieves had gained access through an unlocked door.

Get in the habit of always locking up, even if you will only be away from the car for a few seconds. Don’t solely rely on a quick press of the key fob either: check for audible or visual signals that the car has actually locked before you walk away. And if your Lexus has door mirrors that can automatically fold in when the car is locked, be sure to activate this feature – potential thieves recognise it is a clear visual sign of a locked car.

2. Keep valuables out of sight

Opportunist thieves are often looking for easy-to-grab valuables that have been left on display. Police report that items such as jewellery, bags, purses and wallets, cash, credit cards, clothes and documents are the most commonly stolen in vehicle-related crimes.

Reduce this risk by stashing valuables out of sight, such as in the glove box or boot. Better still, take those items away with you. And if you’re going to leave the car for a longer period of time, consider clearing the boot entirely and removing the parcel shelf or load cover to show thieves that there is nothing to steal.

Car security

3. Be mindful of signals

Most modern Lexus models are equipped with a keyless entry and start system – a convenience which sends a constant signal from the key fob in order to unlock the vehicle’s doors and de-activate the immobiliser as you approach. Although it is possible for tech-savvy thieves with special equipment to hijack this signal, they must be in close proximity to the key or vehicle.

So if you doubt the intentions of anybody in the immediate vicinity of your vehicle, wait for them to leave before approaching the car. Better still, whenever you are not driving, block the signal from the key by keeping it in a metal box or Faraday pouch. This is equally important at home as thieves can use a ‘daisy chain’ of receivers to relay the signal from the key (which is probably kept near the front door) to open the car.

4. Secure your port

Every new car sold in the UK since 2003 has been equipped with an on-board diagnostic port. Abbreviated to OBD, this port is a computer connection that allows the car to communicate messages about its mechanical health to an authorised technician. Unfortunately, thieves have discovered that with special equipment they can use this OBD port to programme blank keys to work with the car.

For this reason, some owners choose to secure their OBD port with an aftermarket lock. Typically, this can either be a lockable metal box that covers the port itself, or an electronic lock that works alongside the original immobiliser to disable the port when the ignition is off.

5. Protect your cat

Your catalytic converter, that is. The ‘cat’ forms part of your car’s emissions control system and cleans exhaust gases before they are expelled through the tailpipe. Unfortunately, the precious metals inside the cat that help to neutralise these passing gases are exactly that – precious. Which means that the catalytic converter itself has become a target for thieves.

Some owners have taken action to deter thieves by invisibly marking their catalytic converter with a forensic marking fluid, such as that provided by SmartWater. Mechanical theft prevention products such as Catloc devices can also deter thieves. These measures are explained in more detail in our dedicated article on catalytic converter theft.

6. Park with care

Thieves do not like performing in front of an audience, so the place where you park has a bearing on the vehicle’s vulnerability. ONS statistics show that the likelihood of experiencing a car-related crime is much lower in busy, town centre parking areas. This is especially true when car parks are well-lit and have manned or CCTV security coverage.

Similarly, the time at which you park your car has a bearing on its security. Most instances of car-related crimes occur in the early hours of the morning, so avoid leaving in your car in a dark, unfamiliar area overnight.

Car security

7. Extra security

Modern vehicles invariably come with a high level of built-in security – the specific features of which are usually designed to react in the event of an incident. But there are simple things you can do to actively dissuade a thief from pursuing an attack on your car. These measures include:

  • The use of a brightly coloured mechanical device locked across the steering wheel, gear lever or clutch pedal will provide an excellent visual deterrent to a would-be thief.
  • We may be living in a digital age but nothing will persuade an opportunist to leave your car alone more effectively than a good old-fashioned piece of ironmongery. Or for that matter, a snarling dog.

      More information on preventing car crime can be found by visiting the Police UK website – – and by searching ‘car crime’.


      1. We has our Lexus UX stolen off the drive last week. The keys had been disabled and were in Faraday pouches and a Disklok steering wheel lock fitted. This lock had been recommended by our Lexus dealership when we bought the car. The thieves drove the car away with the lock still on. We were able to retrieve the car because it had a tracker fitted.
        The thieves gained entry by removing the inner passenger side wheel arch cover, accessing the wiring loom, connecting to the vehicles computer with a device that that allows the criminal to unlock, disable the alarm and start the car.
        So my question is how can I prevent them stealing the car in the same way again? Will securing the OBD port stop this means of theft? Will a Ghost Imoboliser stop this means of theft.? Any advice?

        1. Hello Nick, thanks for getting in touch.

          We are sorry to hear of your situation and wish to express our sympathy.

          Modern vehicles invariably come with a high level of built-in security but as with any model in our range, we would always recommend extra measures to protect your car from theft. As you have mentioned, a 2nd ghost immobiliser may be a protective measure you wish to consider.

          Your local Lexus Centre are on hand to discuss extra means available for your car and support you further. You can locate your nearest centre here:

          Thank you.

          1. I reported my fears on this when I was told about months ago. I was told that they hadn’t heard of any such vehicle’s theft’s like this now my vehicle has been stolen. Love to hear your comments on this Lexus.

            1. Hello Darren, thanks for your comment.

              We are very sorry to hear your vehicle has been targeted by thieves and for the distress that this crime may have caused.

              Our Customer Relations team would be best placed to support you with this.

              They can be found here:


              Once again, we would like to express our sympathies.


        2. Ghost will stop it being driving away ( if fitted correctly! ) but see my previous reply given on page 2 about upgrading the alarm & immobiliser system, I’ve posted the same over on the Toyota blog also asking them to contact me via email twice so I could pass the details on of a company that has come up with a bespoke security solution but nothing from Toyota. The default Toyota / Lexus corporate response seems to be fit a Ghost.
          If anyone from Lexus wants to contact me via email then feel free.

          1. Hello Lee, thanks for getting in touch.

            We are sorry to hear of the service you have received so far. Our Customer Relations team would be more than happy to discuss this with you.

            Should you wish to contact them, they can be found through the following link under ‘Contact Us’:



        3. My Lexus NX 300h got stolen from the street where I live in November. As I really loved my car. I replaced it with another Lexus NX Takumi, which I thought it would lost for years to come. However, beginning of April, it got stolen from outside my house. I had ellite Stoplock on the steering wheel and keys securily kept inside Faraday pouches( and inside tin box). Unfortunately, I wittnessed the incident, when the theive accessed the Canbus through the front wheel. It took less than a minute or so, and the car gone in front of my own eyes whilst on the phone to the police. Obviously didn’t take any action, apart from issuing a crime reference. I found the whole thing traumatising as I was not able to do anything. The very disappointing point is, when I purchased my second NX, I had told the Lexus deaer that my first car was stolen and had the anxiety of my car being stolen again. However, they did not mention anything about the Canbus being the weakness of the cars manufactered before October 2021. I am sure they were aware of that but do withhold information from the customers. If I had known that I would never buy that car, or perhaps would have gone with a newer car to be less risky. Having a car stolen is really stressful, but losing it twice within 4 months is dreadful. I think Lexus should take responsibility for it, or atleast train their sales people to provide the right information to the customers.

          1. Hi MM
            We are sorry to learn that you have been a victim of crime.
            If you wish for us to raise this, please provide the Lexus Centre.
            Kind regards

      2. Hi – my RX was stolen off the driveway last night, keys in faraday pouch. Ring footage shows individuals working around the front wheel arches. Car always serviced via Lexus but would have been nice to have been told by Lexus of the car’s vunerability so that we could have fitted extra security measures. As it seems to be a weakness known to Lexus I’m extremely disappointed not to have been advised of the same rather than discover it myself googling after the event.

        1. Hello Tom, thanks for getting in touch.

          We are really sorry to hear that you’ve been affected by this crime. We are working with the police and various other agencies to put a stop to it.

          Modern vehicles invariably come with a high level of built-in security but as with any model in our range, we would always recommend extra measures to protect your car from theft.

          Our Customer Relations team would be more than happy to support you further with this. They can be contacted here:

          Once again, we would like to express our sincere sympathies.


        2. I absolutely feel your pain. Had I known this was an issue, I would NEVER have purchased my Lexus and if I did, I would have taken every measure to eliminate or minimise the risk of theft drastically. Its so disappointing. At times I feel as though there is some sort of underhand business going on. Could it be a set up? Its all very suspicious to me. Is it street criminals or is there something else going on here. I too had to research after the fact.
          Attempt 1 – Over £3k worth of damage (stolen then recovered by MYSELF)
          Attempt 2 – Almost £18k worth of damage (stolen then recovered by MYELF)
          Attempt 3- Don’t know the damage yet (unable to steal the vehicle this time due to the immobilizer I had fitted but still damages from attempt)
          As for the whole wheel steering lock!!… I thought I was the only one! They stole the vehicle with the lock still on it and that was the most expensive damage (£18k). I would not use one of those locks again.

          1. Hello Felicia,

            We are very sorry to hear you have experienced this.

            Please be assured, Lexus has no involvement in the facilitation of this awful crime. We have tried to make sure that as many customers as possible have been informed through publishing police advice about the crime online as soon as it was received, writing to our dealer network to inform customers and writing directly to vehicle owners where details have been available to do so. We have also engaged with the Home Office, Local MPs, the Met Police and the Assistant Chief Constable of Cheshire Police, who is also the National Lead for Vehicle Crime. This will raise the profile of the crime with all police forces and identify issues with current legislation.

            Once again, we are sorry that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves and for the distress that this crime has caused. If you would like to raise your situation further, we would recommend contacting our Customer Relations team directly. You can do so here:


          2. The only way for Lexus and Toyota to correctly address this is to fit the CANBUS protection plates to EVERY affected vehicle so that the criminal community KNOW it will be much harder to steal. That way most of this senseless damage can be avoided. Referring it to Lexus Customer Relations will achieve diddley-squat.

      3. My daughters RX450 FSport was stolen from her driveway this week, 10 WEEKS AFTER HER SIMILAR LEXUS WAS STOLEN ! Keys in faraday pouch and steering lock was no deterrent. What upsets us most , bearing in mind the Lexus dealer of the last car was aware of the previous theft, THAT THE LEXUS RECALL which protects the wires behind the wheel arches and which are now used to start the car WAS NOT FITTED It appears from my further research for a new lexus that only one dealer I spoke to knew about this RECALL to fit a metal plate under the wheel arch covers and which would possibly have saved both cars. Her insurance company told her they are losing upto 3 Lexuses daily but it appears that Lexus are making little or no effort to fix this or notify their dealers of a possible solution. The new cars apparently have wifi update possibilities and in the USA come car manufacturers have built iin remote auto shut off to prevent both theft and non payment of Hire Purchase! LEXUS you should be ashamed know ing you have one of the Worlds most stolen cars and doing little about it. Just refer to the letters above for the last few months!! Is this serious enough for a class action as there is a fix that is not being installed??

        1. Hello Michael, thank you for contacting us.

          We are very sorry to hear that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves. Please be assured, we are working incredibly hard to support all of our customers who have been impacted by this terrible crime and are constantly assessing the situation.

          With your case specifically, we would recommend re-contacting your Lexus Centre regarding the servicing you have mentioned for more advice and information.

          Additionally, our Customer Relations team are best placed to provide you with support for this. They can be found here:

          Again, we are sorry for the distress this has caused and appreciate the severity of this crime.

          Thank you.

      4. My 2020 Lexus Nx 300h Takumi Cvt has very recently been stolen even though keys were in the back of the house and not accessed. I have read that criminals are able to access the computer from underneath the wheel arch. Unfortunately I was not advised on security issues when I bought the car.

        I would appreciate a response please and have also emailed customer service.

        1. Hello Jason, thanks for getting in touch.

          We’re really sorry to hear that you’ve been affected by this terrible crime.

          Our Customer Relations team will aim to get back to you as soon as possible to support you with this.

          Once again, we are sorry that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves and for the distress that this crime has caused.


      5. I am extremely concerned reading about these vehicle thefts as my new NX450h is currently onboard a ship heading to the UK!
        It appears from these messages that I should be considering writing off my deposit and not going ahead with the purchase.
        Will my car have the same vulnerabililty to this type of theft?
        Or is this inexcusable lapse only affecting older cars?
        What are you going to do Lexus to convince me to complete the purchase of my car?

        1. Hello Gary, thanks for getting in touch.

          We completely understand your concern and wish to reassure you.

          Modern vehicles invariably come with a high level of built-in security but as with any model in our range, we would always recommend extra measures to protect your car from theft.

          Your local Lexus Centre are on hand to discuss extra means available for your car:

          Thank you.

      6. We have 2 Lexus cars ( 1 RXL and 1 UX) 70 and 21 reg.
        We are very concerned about recent Lexus thefts.
        We are not using keyless system since we bought our cars as we heard about signal diversions for stealing. We use steering lock for RX.
        What else do you recommend to prevent theft?
        I believe Lexus should provide extra anti theft inbuilt measures to all customers as their standard security features are not effective. I was declined to insure my UX this year by a company as Lexus theft is very common now!

      7. We had our RX stolen recently with the method folks mentioned above, far outside the M25 in Rotherham while visiting. Unbeknownst to us at the time the RX is one of the most stolen cars in the UK because it’s so easy to steal with a very cheap device.

        We bought an NX to replace it, and now these are being targeted too. It’s a shame Lexus won’t take any real action to protect its customers such as recalls, widespread physical security improvements outside the steel plate they’re installing to the RX, and taking legal action against public websites that sell the device. I’ve reported websites selling the device used to steal these cars to Lexus Customer Relations and they won’t even reply.

        Lexus and Toyota used to be a great value and a customer-focused brand – I’m not sure this is the case anymore given how they are handling this situation.

        1. Hello Zach, thanks for getting in contact.

          We are very sorry to hear you have been a victim of this awful crime. We wish to express our sincere sympathies.

          Modern vehicles invariably come with a high level of built-in security but as with any model in our range, we would always recommend extra measures to protect your car from theft.

          Your local Lexus Centre are on hand to discuss extra means available for your car. You can locate your closest centre here:

          Additionally, a steering lock or a 2nd ghost immobiliser are advised as protective measures.

          Please let us know if we can assist further.

          Thank you.

      8. I had no idea that the Lexus I purchased was at risk of theft. Last weekend someone made an attempt at 03.00hrs to take my car from a secure compound, they ran off when an neighbour spotted them.
        The car was checked no obvious damage to the car.
        At 08.00hrs the car was damaged on front left wing so they came back at some time.
        I no longer want to drive this car, I just want to drive lock the car and expect it to be where I parked .

        1. Hello Nicholas, thanks for getting in touch.

          We are very sorry you have been a victim of this awful crime. We understand this can be distressing and wish to express our sincere sympathies.

          Our Customer Service team are best placed to support you further.

          The team can be contacted here:

          Please let us know if we can help otherwise.


          1. A recall is needed to address Canbus systems without encryption. Either add the encryption or a third party immobiliser. Do the right thing bite the bullet and start a recall

            1. Hello Carl, thanks for your comment.

              We appreciate your feedback greatly. Please be assured, it has been passed on to the relevant teams.


      9. My 2021 Lexus NX 300 has been stolen on Friday 6th October 2023. We had steering wheel lock (stoplock pro) on and keys were at the back of the house at least 100 meters away from the car. When reported to Lexus and asked for any facility in place for tracking we were simply told nothing can be done. They seem to be not concerned about it. I am feeling very unsettled learning about the known lack of in-built security features and prone to vulnerability issues Lexus didn’t take any step to reach out the customers. Any prior advice on how to secure the car from theft would have been appreciated and this could have saved my car and many other Lexus cars from being stolen.

        1. Hello Banasri, thanks for contacting us.

          We are very sorry to hear that you have been the victim of this awful crime. We completely understand that this can cause concern and upset.

          Our Customer Relations team are more than happy to discuss this with you and support you.

          The team can be contacted here:

          Please be aware we are constantly monitoring this situation and are doing all we can to support our customers that have been impacted by this horrible crime

          Please let us know if you require any further assistance.


          1. Thank you for your reply. In my view, there are 3 steps that Lexus can take to improve security:
            1. Have a Ghost 2 immobiliser or equivalent as standard in the same way as Tesla does. They set a record recently for having no reported cars stolen in a 12 month period.
            2. Get rid of keyless system or have non-keyless entry as the default and keyless entry as an opt-in choice.
            3. Have tracking system included as standard.

      10. My RX450h F-Sport was stolen from my drive on 31st Oct, keys were in Faraday pouches, we have them on CCTV it took seconds for them to get in, start it & rip out the WIFI box which they left at the top of the street.
        A family member mentioned these were being targeted so we asked when our car was being services a couple of weeks ago & our local Lexus dealer denied all knowledge of it, if they would have fitted the metal plate when doing the service this might have been avoided, car has not been recovered, fuming is an understatement of how I’m feeling right now.

        1. Hello Stacey, thanks for getting in touch.

          We are very sorry to hear you have been a victim of this awful crime. We completely understand your frustration and wish to express our sincere sympathies.

          We would recommend contacting our Customer Service team. The team are best placed to support you with this and can be found here:

          Alternatively, your local Lexus Centre are on hand to discuss this with you.


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